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Power BI Skills
Day 1 - Installing Power BI and Basic End-User Techniques
Course Introduction (2:08)
Section summary
Objectives for Day 1
Power BI Installation and basic details (17:49)
Tips for using Power BI as a teacher (and a quiz) (13:24)
Day 2 - Create a really simple report
Objectives for Day 2 (0:58)
Export some basic pupil data from SIMS (14:54)
Check you have the latest Power BI ribbon (Spring 2020) (1:42)
Create your first Power BI report (19:06)
Day 3 - The Power BI Service
Objectives for Day 3 (2:09)
The free Power BI Service (14:13)
Dashboards and one more reason to use the Power BI service (6:31)
Sharing reports with the paid-for Power BI Service Pro (9:57)
Day 4 - More about SIMS reports and introducing the Power Query Editor
Objectives for day 4 (2:06)
Admission numbers, UPNs and external IDs (4:10)
Third party reporting in SIMS (1:24)
Create a new SIMS report for PupilData.csv (13:54)
Power Query Editor (10:37)
Create a new Power BI report file (pbix) (12:26)
Day 5 - Intro to bar charts, cards, pie charts, maps and treemaps
Objectives for day 5 (1:06)
Familiarize yourself with the Power BI screen (4:11)
A card visualization to show pupils on roll (5:04)
Pie charts for gender graphs (3:52)
Create an ethnicity treemap (2:59)
Map visualization (2:36)
Pupil premium bar chart (5:04)
Day 6 - Using the Power Query Editor to transform and add to your data
Objectives for day 6 (1:48)
Tidying up our CSV using Power Query Editor (13:03)
Tip Moving your csv file (1:48)
Tip: Adding columns to the original csv file (2:07)
Add a Surname & Forename column (4:16)
Day 7 - Using and applying filters
Intro to day 7 (1:12)
Applying a filter to a visualization (8:26)
Filtering at the page and report level (3:26)
Letting our end users apply filters via the Power BI service (6:38)
Day 8 - design principles (and drill down)
Day 8 objectives (1:21)
Designing your reports for ease of use (4:15)
The aesthetics of report design (16:05)
Using the drill down feature (6:27)
Day 9 - slicers
Objectives for day 9 (0:45)
Removing filters from reports (4:28)
Slicers for numbers, categories and dates (10:46)
Day 10 - A bit of revision and homework
Day 10 - Homework - duplicating pages and adding filters (4:30)
Day 11 - Attendance data and relationships
Exporting attendance statistics from SIMS (8:56)
Getting the attendance data into Power BI - and an introduction to relationships (8:28)
Authorised and unauthorised absences (9:08)
Appendix: A copy of my attendance.csv for those without access to SIMS
Day 12 - year groups or registration groups in the wrong order? Here's why...
Ordering year groups and reg groups (14:43)
Day 13 - Understanding attendance statistics, matrix and table visualizations
Objectives for day 13 (1:16)
Using a percentage bar graph to calculate percentage attendance (4:41)
A total minutes late graph, plus a matrix visualization (7:36)
Adding a table visualization to show pupil names (6:38)
Day 14 - Calculated columns and conditional formatting
Objectives for day 14 (1:17)
Use DAX to create a calculated column for percentage attendance (10:13)
Using a table and matrix visualization with the percentage attendance column (6:59)
Adding a guage visualization (5:54)
Conditional formatting to add red-amber-green colours (7:50)
Conditional formatting with matrix visualizations (5:40)
Day 15 - Finishing off with Behaviour analyses
Introduction to day 15 (0:42)
Exporting behaviour data from SIMS (13:49)
A simple behaviour points graph (8:40)
Date hierarchies and drill downs (4:42)
Date slicers - between two dates and relative to today's date (3:43)
Three more graphs in three minutes... (4:01)
Finish off with more slicers and a table (7:14)
Appendix - a copy of the behaviour csv file used in these lectures
Your next Power BI course...
Power BI Further Skills
Claim a certificate of completion
Designing your reports for ease of use
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